Lap 03 |
Lap 03 - The Early Days Born October 9, 1922, Seymour Kaback grew up in Riverdale, N.Y. and graduated from Dewitt Clinton High School. Though he was not "big" enough in body to compete in most high school sports, his mind was sharp enough that he was a member of the ARISTA honor society. His parents both came from small villages in Russia near Minsk, but they met and were married in the US. They both worked in the dress business in lower Manhattan like many Russian Jewish immigrants of their day. Sy always loved automobiles, though no family or friends were involved in automotive pursuits.
As a boy, Sy was always interested in how things worked, and when the time came he applied to NYU where he went into engineering and joined the Army ROTC in 1941. When he signed on, he was disappointed that his mother made him sell his Indian motorcycle. Though his unit was activated, Sy was kept in school by the Army as they needed engineers. He was transferred regularly, starting at NYU, moving to Rutgers, the University of Illinois, etc. "The kids in the class just ahead of us were sent to work on the atomic bomb." While on duty, Sy remained in school in the US. Apparently Army life was beneficial to his health as Sy became suitably physically fit to endure a stint on the boxing team of his Army unit! Upon graduation, he received his degree in Mechanical Engineering from New York University in 1946 and was licensed as a P.E. Sy got involved in motor racing the first chance he had, though on the water rather than the road. After the war ended Sy and his first wife, Alice Phillips Gross raced hydroplanes in upstate New York. These hydroplanes were very small, light , high performance watercraft not unlike a sports car for the water. Sy and Alice had two children, Karen in early 1949 and Richard in late 1950, while living in Styvesant town. Sometime in the early 1950's, Sy and Alice were divorced, and Alice moved overseas with the children. Sy was soon remarried to Ann Gray of Winnipeg, Canada. Though they had no children, this marriage lasted nine years, during the height of Sy's auto racing exploits. Sy's original company was in the relatively new and lucrative air conditioning industry: The Weathermatic Corporation, under whose banner he would soon campaign race cars of various makes and classes. Eventually, Weathermatic merged with an electrical engineering firm called Mebco. "I was unhappy with the merger and withdrew to found a new firm, Kaback Enterprises in 1971" which survives and thrives today in the heating and cooling contracting business in and around New York City. |