I woke up several times that
night, but when I woke at 5:48, I decided it was time to get
in gear. By the time I was out of the shower, my son was up and
ready to go. A beautifully clear and dry morning greeted us on
the hour long drive to Lotus Engineering where we met Tim Holland
who opened a big overhead door into a welcoming, warm facility.
We had arranged to meet here and bring the car indoors before
the breakfast in a further attempt to warm things up. I'd like
to thank Tim once again here for the extra effort he made to
meet me early!

at Lotus Engineering
Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
After breakfast (thanks again!)
we headed on back to the shop. A tour of the facility and explanation
of some of the work they do there came before the rolling road
demo. We heard about the variety and number of engine dynos and
test cells on the premises. We learned that they have measured
the output of engines as low as a .2 hp 'weed whip' motor (so
certainly they would be able to get a dependable reading on a
30-something hp Seven!) We learned how engines are tested by
running for hours, days, weeks on end with vital information
recorded along the way, loads can be varied to simulate actual
conditions, etc, etc. They also do electronic engine management
development work - something quite foreign to the Lotus Seven!
Eventually I was instructed to
bring the car to the rolling road area. We lined the car up with
its rear wheels on small exposed patches of the 48 inch diameter
rollers which were set beneath the floor, then set about strapping
the front wheels down to sliding brackets which clamped into
tracks set into the floor.
I had been concerned with the
lack of cooling when the Seven is standing still with the engine
running under load, but was more than reassured by the fan that
was rolled into place in front of the car, its speed controlled
by the speed of the driven rollers. Of course a vent tube was
attached to the exhaust pipe so we wouldn't be inundated (or
surprised by the amount of oil the little motor might or might
not be burning!) Time then to fire it up once again. Clever,
that remote solenoid starter... without getting into the car
yet, I set the choke from the engine bay and prepared to open
the throttles. Happily, the motor fired easily and settled to
a good idle.

'road speed' controlled cooling fan